Advokatfirma Varjag AS
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New company incorporation LTD/NUF
Please provide what kind of roles this participant should have in the company.

A LTD-company has to consist of at least one director and one shareholder.

Roles in a LTD-company are: Director

Ownership is by definition a shareholder.
Fill in your norwegian identification number (11 digits).

If you dont have a norwegian identification number you can click the button Don`t have to apply for D-number
New company incorporation LTD / NUF
Would you like to place your order by phone, please call us at +47 67 52 25 00.

I / We order New company incorporation (LTD / NUF). Price NOK 3 000 + 25% VAT.
In addition you will be charged the amount of NOK 2 668 directly from the Norwegian Company Register (Brønnøysundregistrene).

Please complete the fields below to complete the order.
Fields marked with a red * are required.
Company information
Enter the general information for the company.

If you answer yes to the question regarding employees, you will receive documents from NAV regarding registration as an employer.
Company name in UK: *
Th company name that will be registered in UK.

"LTD" will be added after the company name.

Example: My company LTD

Letters æ,ø,å cannot be used.

Words like Holding, Group and International are subject to restrictions.

Please contact us if you have any questions.
Company name in Norway: *
Name for the Norwegian branch (NUF). This name will be registrered in the Norwegian company register (Brønnøysundregisteret).

We recommend same name as in UK, included Ltd.
Nature of business: *
Please describe what sort of business activity the company will be involved in.


Retail sale of carpets.
Retail sale of hardware.
Growing of rice.
Does the company expect to be operational in the UK? *
If you answer yes to business in UK (business via the English parent company) we will contact you for further agreement regarding English reporting.
Does the company expect employees? *
If you answer yes to this question, you will receive documents from NAV regarding registration as an employer.

If the company is expected to have paid employees please answer yes to this question.
Office address
Please provide an office address for the company.
The office address has to be a physical address and not a postbox and the address needs to be located in Norway.
Address: *
Postal code and town: *
Postal address:
Please provide a postal address if the company is expected to have a different postal address than the office address.
Share capital
If you have chosen same day delivery / self company, the share capital fields are prefilled with 100 shares and a nominal value of NOK 10 each.

If you have chosen a new company registration you are allowed to enter the share capital of the company in the share capital fields.

Example 1:
100 shares of NOK 10 each (total NOK 1 000).

Example 2:
50 shares of NOK 100 each (total NOK 5 000).

Example 3:
100 shares of NOK 100 each (total NOK 10 000).
Total amount of shares: *
Nominal value each share (NOK): *
Enter the name, address and identity number to all participants in the company.
Participant 1
Is the participant a person or a company: *
Name: *
Norwegian identification number: *
Don`t have
Date of birth ( *
Please enter your date of birth
Address: *
Postal code and town: *
Place of birth: *
Citizenship: *
Please enter your citizenship.

Example: Norwegian
This e-mail address will not be public registered, but will be used for notifications regarding the registration process.
Please choose what kind of roles/ownership this persons hould have in the company. Read more.
Add a new participant
Other information
Additional information regarding the company and your order.
Sole signature of the manager? *
Please choose if the manager should be given the signing authority alone.
Do all the directors have access to Altinn ( *
Answer yes to this question if all the directors have access to Altinn.

If you answer no to this question the documents will be filed by paper to Brønnøysundregistrene.
Would you like to receive an offer regarding book keeping for your new company?
If you have any comments or questions regarding your order, please provide this information here.
Please provide contact information that will be used for proceedings between Varjag and the customer.
Submitter: *
Select a participant as submitter or enter contact details for another submitter who is not participating in the company.
Submitter`s phone: *
Submitter`s e-mail: *
Submit order